Quantitative proteomics of human blood exosomes

Liao P.-C., Zgoda V.G., Novikova S.E., Farafonova T.E., Tikhonova O.V., Shushkova N.A., Vavilov N.E.

Year: 2018 Vol: 64 Issue: 6 Pages: 496-504

Supplementary materials:   RUEN
Set of proteins identified in the serum sample, sample of the exosomal fraction isolated by the method of ultracentrifugation in a sucrose gradient and sample of the supernatant collected after the second ultracentrifugation of exosome isolation by the method of ultracentrifugation in a sucrose density gradient.PBMC-2018-64-6-496_S_ru.pdf  PBMC-2018-64-6-496_S_en.pdf