The structural analogue of apelin-12 prevents energy disorders in the heart in experimental type 1 diabetes mellitus

Studneva I.M., Veselova O.M., Dobrokhotov I.V., Serebryakova L.I., Palkeeva M.E., Avdeev D.V., Molokoedov A.S., Sidorova M.V., Pisarenko O.I.

Year: 2024 Vol: 70 Issue: 3 Pages: 135-144

Supplementary materials:   RUEN
Supplementary materials contain information on chemical structure of the metilin peptide, analytical HPLC data on metilin, chemical shifts of the metilin proton signals obtained from 1H-NMR spectra, results of mass spectroscopic study and recording of representative experiments on mitochondrial respiration in saponin-skinned myocardia LV fibers.PBMC20247003135-S-ru.pdf  PBMC20247003135-S-en.pdf