Proteome of plasma extracellular vesicles as a source of colorectal cancer biomarkers

Soloveva N.A., Novikova S.E., Farafonova T.E., Tikhonova O.V., Zgoda V.G., Archakov A.I.

Year: 2024 Vol: 70 Issue: 5 Pages: 356-363

Supplementary materials:   RUEN
Supplementary materials include Table S1, Figures S1 and S2. The table contains a list of proteins identified as a result of shotgun mass spectrometric analysis of extracellular vesicles (EV) isolated from blood plasma (sheet “Proteins, 2 peptides”), results of annotation of identified proteins according to the DAVID Knowlegebase (v2023q4) (sheet “DAVID annotation”), list of proteins, the content of which was significantly different in EV samples obtained from the blood plasma of patients with colorectal cancer and healthy volunteers (sheet “DEB”). Figure S1 presents the results of the biological annotation of 266 proteins detected only in EV samples isolated from blood plasma against the Reactome database (v. 2022), as well as against the ARCHS4 repository (v. 8.0), and the TISSUES (Jensen) repository (v. 2.0).PBMC20247005356_S_TableS1.xlsx  PBMC20247005356_S_TableS1.xlsx 
Figure S2 shows a heat map constructed for 55 proteins whose abundances were significantly (FC>1.5, FDR = 0.01) different inEV samples obtained from the blood plasma of CRC patients and healthy volunteers.PBMC20247005356_S_ru.pdf  PBMC20247005356_S_en.pdf