Metagenomic analysis of taxonomic and functional changes in gut microbiota of patients with alcoholic dependence syndrome

Dubinkina V.B., Tyakht A.V., Ilina E.N., Ischenko D.S., Kovarsky B.A., Yarygin K.S., Pavlenko A.V., Popenko A.S., Alexeev D.G., Taraskina A.E., Nasyrova R.F., Krupitski E.M., Skorodumova L.O., Larin A.K., Kostryukova E.S., Govorun V.M.

Year: 2015 Vol: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 742-749

Supplementary materials:   RUEN
Heatmap representing the difference between the relative abundance of bacterial species.PBMC-2015-61-6-742-S1-ru.pdf  PBMC-2015-61-6-742-S1-en.pdf 
Phenotype information for 20 ADS patients. Taxonomic composition of patients' metagenomes. Bacterial species and number of samples.PBMC-2015-61-6-742-S2-ru.xls  PBMC-2015-61-6-742-S2-en.xls