1. 29 Municipal Hospital of Moscow Public Health Department 2. Neurology Research Institute, RAMS, Moscow 3. 29 Municipal Hospital of Moscow Public Health Department, Orekhovich Research Institute of Biomedical Chemistry RAMS
Serum levels of interferon-g (IFg), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) and autoantibodies (a-AT) to these cytokines were investigated in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). The increased levels of TNFa (50%) and IFg (35%) were found in PD patients. There was close correlation between the serum level of TNFa and the manifestation of neurological symptoms (r = 0.434; p <0.05), and between levels of IFg and the duration of this disease (r = 0.4511, p <0.05) and patients age as well (r = 0.4358; p <0.05). There was increased level of a-AT to TNFa in PD patients versus helthy controls (130.3±11.92 and 105.3±4.62, respectively, p <0.05). The combined increase of levels of a-AT to TNFa and IFg (r = 0.91, p <0.01), close reverse correlation between duration of PD and levels of a-AT to TNFa and IFg (r=0.4644 and r = 0.606, respectively, p<0.01) were also recognised. The data obtained suggest the involvement of TNFa and IFg into the pathological process during PD, which requires further investigation in this direction.
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Gribova I.E., Gnedenko B.B., Poleshchuk V.V., Morozov S.G. (2003) Content of interferon-gamma, alpha tumor necrosis factor and autoantibodies to them in blood serum during parkinson's disease. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 49(2), 208-212.
Gribova I.E. et al. Content of interferon-gamma, alpha tumor necrosis factor and autoantibodies to them in blood serum during parkinson's disease // Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya. - 2003. - V. 49. -N 2. - P. 208-212.
Gribova I.E. et al., "Content of interferon-gamma, alpha tumor necrosis factor and autoantibodies to them in blood serum during parkinson's disease." Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya 49.2 (2003): 208-212.
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