2009, Volume 55, Issue 2
125-139 Kopylov A.T., Zgoda V.G., Archakov A.I.
Label-free quantitative analysis of proteins using mass-spectrometry
140-154 Baklaushev V.P., Pavlov K.A., Chekhonin V.P.
Monoclonal antibodies in diagnostics of high-grade gliomas
155-168 Gasanov A.G., Bershova T.V.
The role of changes of matrix metalloproteinase in cardiovascular diseases
169-176 Agarkov A.A., Popova T.N., Semenikhina A.V.
Catalytic properties of glutathione reductase from rats liver at norm and toxic hepatites
177-184 Bushmakina I.M., Drozdova N.I., Martynova M.A.
Fatty acid complex "bien" incorporation into liposomes multilayered
185-194 Ipatova O.M., Zykova M.G., Prozorovskii V.N., Torkhovskaya T.I., Zakharova T.S.
Possibilities for use of phospholipid nanosystem with glycyrrhizic acid ("phosphogliv") for optimization of drugs: doxorubicin and budesonide as examples
195-200 Valuev L.I., Sytov G.A., Valuev I.L., Vanchugova L.V., Valueva T.A., Plate N.A., Starosel'tseva L.K., Ul'yanova M.V.
Oral insulin preparations for the regulation of the glucose level in the blood
201-212 Nikolaeva L.I., Makashova V.V., Petrova E.V., Shipulin G.A., Samokhvalov E.I., Lvov D.K.
Decline of antibodies to hepatitis c virus during antiviral therapy
213-218 Vasilieva E.M., Bakanov M.I., Spitchac T.V., Simonova O.I., Polyakova S.I., Surganova A.A., Kuprijanova O.O., Gorelova J.Y., Plats-Koldobenko A.N., Baranovskaya J.V., Gorinova J.V.
Zinc and copper blood plasma and erythrocyte value in adolescent with the different types of pathology
219-225 Article only in Russian    
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