Possibilities for use of phospholipid nanosystem with glycyrrhizic acid ("phosphogliv") for optimization of drugs: doxorubicin and budesonide as examples

Ipatova O.M.1, Zykova M.G.1, Prozorovskii V.N.1, Torkhovskaya T.I.1 , Zakharova T.S.1

1. Institute of Biomedical Chemistry RAMS
Section: Experimental/Clinical Study
PubMed Id: 19507342
Year: 2009  Volume: 55  Issue: 2  Pages: 185-194
The complexes of phospholipids nanoparticles (as the injection form of newly developed hepatoprotector phosphogliv) with the antitumor drug doxorubicin or with glucocorticoid budesonide have been investigated for their pharmacological activity in comparison with free forms of these drugs. Doxorubicin with phosphogliv revealed more antitumor and antimetastatic activity in С47В1/6 mice with carcinoma LLC than free doxorubicin. Inhalation of budesonide with phosphogliv in vivo to quinea pigs resulted to more pronounced decrease of antigen or histamin induced bronchospasm, particularly its subacute phase, as compared with traditional powder or suspension budesonide forms. This suggests that the phosphogliv injection forms may be used not only for treatment of liver diseases, but also for delivery of a number of other drugs and consequently for optimization of their efficiency.
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Keywords: phosphogliv, phospholipid nanoparticles, glycyrrhizic acid, doxorubicin, budesonide

Ipatova, O. M., Zykova, M. G., Prozorovskii, V. N., Torkhovskaya, T. I., Zakharova, T. S. (2009). Possibilities for use of phospholipid nanosystem with glycyrrhizic acid ("phosphogliv") for optimization of drugs: doxorubicin and budesonide as examples. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 55(2), 185-194.
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