Distribution of chemical elements in whole blood and plasma

Barashkov G.K.1 , Zaitzeva L.I.1, Kondahchan M.A.1, Konstantinova E.A.1

1. Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Medicine I.M.Sechenov's Moscow Medical Academy, Russia
Section: Experimental/Clinical Study
PubMed Id: 14564741
Year: 2003  Volume: 49  Issue: 3  Pages: 297-302
The distribution factor (Fd) of 35 elements of plasma and whole blood in 26 healthy men and women was detected by ICP-OES. Usilig this parameter the elements are distributed in 3 pools. 9 of them have Fd higher than 1,5 ("elements of plasma" - Ag, Ca, Cu, In, Li, Na, Se, Si, Sr); 6 have lower than 0.5 ("elements of blood cells" - Fe, K, Mn, Ni, V, Zn), other 20 -about 1 ("blood elements"). Fd of all elements depends on ionic radius. Elements of 2th sub-groups of all groups of Mendeleev`s periodic table ("heavy metals") depend on similar law: "with growing of ionic radius the concentration of elements in plasma enhance". In alkaline metals Fd depends on the opposite law:"with growing of ionic radius of alkaline metal the quantity of elements in blood cells enhance". Dependence of Fd on the value of atomic mass in periods or in exterior electronic cloud (s-, p-, d-, f-) was not established. The table of dist-ribution of all detected elements in whole blood in relation to 8 macroelements (Ca, Mg, K, Na, S, P, Fe, Zn,) is presented, as a basic diagnostic criteria in metal-ligand homeostasis dis-turbance.
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Barashkov, G. K., Zaitzeva, L. I., Kondahchan, M. A., Konstantinova, E. A. (2003). Distribution of chemical elements in whole blood and plasma. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 49(3), 297-302.
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