Different forms of water сontent were studied in myocardium and liver of male rats at 2-h hypotension and during the early postreanimation period. The phenomenon of redistribution of free and bound water was found. Comparison of water balance during the postreanimation period in the myocardium and liver revealed that normalization of different forms of water occured in myocardium. In hepatocytes oedema remained over the whole period studied.
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Roshina A.A., Nikolaeva S.S., Kozhura V.L., Bykov V.A., Yakovleva L.V., Novodergkina I.S., Koroleva O.A., Rebrov L.B., Parshina E.Y., Kirsanova A.K. (2003) Alterаtions regularity of different forms of water in rat myocardium and liver durinr blood loss and early postreanimation period. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 49(5), 451-455.
Roshina A.A. et al. Alterаtions regularity of different forms of water in rat myocardium and liver durinr blood loss and early postreanimation period // Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya. - 2003. - V. 49. -N 5. - P. 451-455.
Roshina A.A. et al., "Alterаtions regularity of different forms of water in rat myocardium and liver durinr blood loss and early postreanimation period." Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya 49.5 (2003): 451-455.
Roshina, A. A., Nikolaeva, S. S., Kozhura, V. L., Bykov, V. A., Yakovleva, L. V., Novodergkina, I. S., Koroleva, O. A., Rebrov, L. B., Parshina, E. Y., Kirsanova, A. K. (2003). Alterаtions regularity of different forms of water in rat myocardium and liver durinr blood loss and early postreanimation period. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 49(5), 451-455.
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