1. Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences 2. Institute of Rheumatology; Russian Academy of Medical Sciences 3. Russian State Medical University, Moscow
A new phospholipid drug "Posphogliv" showed earlier good results in the treatment of liver discases. The mechanism of its effect consists in non-specific repair of biomembranes. In the present study it was used for the treatment of in patients with psoriatic arthritis, accompanied by severe damages of blood rheology. The group of patients took Phosphogliv 3 months in the dose of 0.6 g per day. Considerable decrease of erythrocytes aggregability was observed after the treatment. There were no changes in total blood viscosity. The clinical state of patients markedly improved after the treatment. Simultaneous decrease of blood C-reactive protein level suggests weakening of inflammation. The mechanism of these effects may involve direct influence of the phospholipid on erythrocyte membranes and/or with indirect influence through the improvement of liver function. The results show that Phosphogliv inclusion into therapy improved the state of patiens with psoriatic arthritis. The results of the present study also indicate principal possibility of broadening of clinical use of this drug. Its positive effects are based on membrane reparative properties of polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine in combination with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulative effects of its second component, glycyrrhizin acid.
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