Interferon-gamma, idiotypic and antiidiotypic interferon autoantibodies at pyodermias of various etiology

Morosov S.G.1, Volkova E.N.2, Gnedenko B.B.3, Protsenko A.N.3, Fedyukin V.S.4

1. Moscow Clinical hospital N29, Orekhovich Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, RAMS
2. Russian State medical University
3. Moscow Clinical hospital N29
4. State Research Center of Applied Microbiology, Ministry of Public Health
Section: Experimental/Clinical Study
PubMed Id: 16119090
Year: 2003  Volume: 49  Issue: 6  Pages: 613-622
Sera of 80 patients with pyodermias of varius etiology were analysed for interferon-g (IF-g), antiinterferon autoantibodies (IF-a-AB), corresponding antiidiotypic antibodies (IF-AIAB) and the ratio IF-a-AB/IF-AIAB using ELISA assay. There was no correlation between serum IF-g and IF-a-AB. Progression of this disease was characterized by an increase of serum IF-a-AB and a decrease of IF-AIAB. Prolonged duration of this disease also caused the decrease of serum anti IF-a-AB and IF-AIAB. The ratio of IF-a-AB/IF-AIAB increased with severity and duration of this disease.
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Morosov, S. G., Volkova, E. N., Gnedenko, B. B., Protsenko, A. N., Fedyukin, V. S. (2003). Interferon-gamma, idiotypic and antiidiotypic interferon autoantibodies at pyodermias of various etiology. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 49(6), 613-622.
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