Influence of hyperbaric oxygenation on a metabolism of glutamin in damaged and undamaged parts of the operated liver

Savilov P.N.1

1. Voronezh State Medical Academy named by N.N. Burdenko
Section: Experimental/Clinical Study
PubMed Id: 15179823
Year: 2004  Volume: 50  Issue: 2  Pages: 164-171
The experimental researches have shown, that the application of hyperbaric oxigenation (HBO, 3 bar, 50 min, 1 session per day) during the first three after resection of 15-20% mass of liver at healthy animal liquidates violations of glutamine metabolism caused by operational aggression. As a results there is a dominance of glutamine formation above its decay that is exhibited by accumulation of glutamine and glutamate by cells of liver on a background of normalization 0f a boosted content of ammonia in them. The proximity of hepatocytes to the center of mechanical destruction of tissue determines not only a glutamate concentration increasing degree at hyperoxia but also dynamics of glutamine synthase and phosphate-dependent glutamines activity in early and late posthyperoxic phase.
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Savilov, P. N. (2004). Influence of hyperbaric oxygenation on a metabolism of glutamin in damaged and undamaged parts of the operated liver. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 50(2), 164-171.
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