1. Samara State Medical University, Department of Fundamental and Clinical Biochemistry with Laboratory Diagnostics 2. Samara State Pedagogical University, Institute for Correctional Pedagogics, Department of Clinical Fundamentals for Defectology
Minimal brain dysfunctions in children with various perinatal complications result in universal metabolic disturbances manifested by a decreased total protein content, the tendency to a reduced triglycerides, an increased cholesterol concentration in the oral fluid, the trend to hypoproteinaemia, hypoglycaemia, hypotriglyceridaemia. The most significant changes in the redox systems ?-ketoglutarate-glutamate, oxaloacetate-malate, pyruvate-lactate, dioxyacetonephosphate-?-glycerophosphate in biological fluids were revealed in cases of antenatal alcoholisation. A certain correlation was found between anemia in pregnant women and hypothyroidal background in children. In addition, a high level of free and common thyroxine, that of common triiodthyronine were characteristic of the oral fluid that confirms the homeostatic part of the latter. Hypophysis - thyroid disregulation in children with minimal brain dysfunction born by women whose pregnancy was complicated by gestosis was manifested by a decreased content of summed and free tetraiod- and triiodthyronine in blood serum supplement by an increased level of the thyroid-stimulating hormone.
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Gilmiyarova F.N., Pervova Yu.V., Radomskaya V.M., Gergel N.Y., Tarasova S.V. (2004) The content of unified metabolites and thyroid hormones in blood and oral fluid of children with minimal brain dysfunction. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 50(2), 204-210.
Gilmiyarova F.N. et al. The content of unified metabolites and thyroid hormones in blood and oral fluid of children with minimal brain dysfunction // Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya. - 2004. - V. 50. -N 2. - P. 204-210.
Gilmiyarova F.N. et al., "The content of unified metabolites and thyroid hormones in blood and oral fluid of children with minimal brain dysfunction." Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya 50.2 (2004): 204-210.
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