Effective method of DNA purification from biological and non-biological contaminations and optimization of its amplification

Fedchenko V.I.1 , Guriev S.O.1, Kaloshin  A.A.1

1. Orekhovich Institute of Biomedical Chemistry
Section: Short Communication
PubMed Id: 15179830
Year: 2004  Volume: 50  Issue: 2  Pages: 211-216
A new modification of DNA purification has been developed. It includes: 1) standard treatment of biological material with proteinase K followed by phenol-chlorophorm extraction; 2) subsequent sample purification using microcolumns packed with Dowex-50 and Sephadex G-50. Oligonucleotide primers often used for DNA typing in man by means of polymerase chain reaction have also been modified. These are VNTR (variable number of tandem repeats) loci of apoB and D17S5. The increase of stability and specificity of amplification of VNTR loci of apoB and D17S5 was achieved by increase of primer length and amplification cycle. The sensitivity of this mode of amplification is 2-4 ng DNA-template. Employment of the nested amplification for apoB locus increased sensitivity of this method up to а few copies of DNA.
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Fedchenko, V. I., Guriev, S. O., Kaloshin, , A. A. (2004). Effective method of DNA purification from biological and non-biological contaminations and optimization of its amplification. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 50(2), 211-216.
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