The accelerated hydrophobic chromatography of plant extracts: a promising tool for study of biologically active polyphenols

Markarian A.A.1 , Dargaeva T.D.2, Alyautdin R.N.1, Bourkov V.L.3

1. I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy
2. Russian Institute of Herbal and Aromatic Plants
3. Semenov Institute for Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Section: Short Communication
PubMed Id: 15179831
Year: 2004  Volume: 50  Issue: 2  Pages: 217-220
A simple and efficient technique for fast isolation and purification of a total polyphenol fraction from dry herbal plant extract ("Phytoprost" preparation) has been developed. The method is based on sejuential cascade of 1,0-5,0 kDa ultrafiltration and the following subsejuent column chromatography of resultant oligo/polymeric compounds on Phenyl-Sepharose 4B-CL. This novel procedure allows to obtain a highly purified (not more than 0,5-0,6 % of aromatic and heterocyclic impurities) fraction of plant polyphenols in amounts required for pharmacological/biochemical screening (0,85±0,06 A280 /g dry extract) within 8-9 hours.
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Markarian, A. A., Dargaeva, T. D., Alyautdin, R. N., Bourkov, V. L. (2004). The accelerated hydrophobic chromatography of plant extracts: a promising tool for study of biologically active polyphenols. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 50(2), 217-220.
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