The contents of ascorbic acid and its oxidized forms at the aging of red blood cells produced in conditions of the normal and intense of erythropoesis

Kudryashov A.M.1 , Titova N.M.2, Savchenko A.A.2, Kudryashova E.V.2

1. Kraevoi Narkologicheskii Dispanser Krasnoyarsk
2. Krasnoyarsk State University, Department of biochemistry and physiology of man and animals
Section: Experimental/Clinical Study
PubMed Id: 15850219
Year: 2005  Volume: 51  Issue: 1  Pages: 53-59
Levels of ascorbic acid, its oxidized forms, dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) and diketogulonic acid (DKGA), and the sum of all forms of ascorbic acid (SAA) were investigated in aging red blood cells produced under physiological and stress conditions (massive hemorrhage). Aging of red blood cells of intact animals is accompanied by accumulation of DKGA and decrease of AA, DHA and SAA concentrations. Comparison of these parameters between young and old red blood cells produced before and after hemorrhage revealed decrease of AA concentration (52%) and accumulation of DKGA (27%) on the 7th day. On the 7th, 20th, 30th days after hemorrhage red blood cells are characterized by increased concentrations of DHA, DKGA, SAA with simultaneously decreased contents of the AA as compared with red blood cells of intact animals. Similar changes were the most pronounced on the 7th day; on the 20th day they decreased and on the 30th day they returned to control levels.
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Kudryashov, A. M., Titova, N. M., Savchenko, A. A., Kudryashova, E. V. (2005). The contents of ascorbic acid and its oxidized forms at the aging of red blood cells produced in conditions of the normal and intense of erythropoesis. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 51(1), 53-59.
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