The role of macroglobulin family proteins in regulation of inflammation reactions
Zorin N.A.1 , Zorina V.N.1 , Zorina R.M.1 1. Medical Department, State Postgraduate Medical Training Institute Section: Review PubMed Id: 16898581
Year: 2006 Volume: 52 Issue : 3 Pages: 229-238 The macroglobulin family represents a group of universal regulators involved into control of the inflammatory response to external and internal pathogens. Alpha-2-macroglobulin (MG), the major protein in the family, has 3 different binding sites and high affini ty to an endo cy tosis receptor that allows MG to participate in recognition and phagocytosis of the foreign agents. The macroglobulin family proteins are most powerful apop tosis inhibitors: they bind autoaggressive hydro lases accumu lating during inflammation. MG is the main transporter of cytokines and growth factors controlling the inflammatory response. At the same time, the mac roglobulins are negative reactants of an acute phase of inflamma tion and the de crease of their synthesis at later stages is necessary for sti mulation of col lagenosis processes, coagulation, activation of thymulin, stimulating NK. At septic inflammation binding of macroglobulins to exotoxins can localize inflammation, and initiate systemic inf lammatory response. Macroglobulin damage sharply reduces their subsequent utilization; this provokes accumulation of makroglodulin-proteinase complexes in biological fluids and may cause immune inflammation.Download PDF: Keywords: macroglobulin, inflammation, regulation
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Zorin N.A., Zorina V.N., Zorina R.M. (2006) The role of macroglobulin family proteins in regulation of inflammation reactions. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 52 (3), 229-238.
Zorin N.A. et al. The role of macroglobulin family proteins in regulation of inflammation reactions // Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya. - 2006. - V. 52. -N 3. - P. 229-238.
Zorin N.A. et al., "The role of macroglobulin family proteins in regulation of inflammation reactions." Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya 52.3 (2006): 229-238.
Zorin, N. A., Zorina, V. N., Zorina, R. M. (2006). The role of macroglobulin family proteins in regulation of inflammation reactions. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya , 52(3), 229-238.
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