1. Scientific and Research Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, RAMS 2. Non-commercial Organization The Foundation Economical Researhes and Distribution of Economic Information "Center Free Economy"
Nanobiotechnology is a new direction in the technological science, which plays a key role in creation of nanodevices for analysis of living systems on a molecular level. Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnologies in medicine for maintenance and improvement of human life using the knowledge on human organism at a molecular level. Application of nanoparticles and nanomaterials for the diagnostic and therapeutic purposes is now significantly extended in nanomedicine. Use of nanotechnological approaches and nanomaterials opens new prospects for creation of drugs and systems for their directed transport. Implementation of optico-biosensoric, atomic-force, nanowire and nanoporous approaches into genomics and proteomics will significantly enhance the sensitivity and accuracy of diagnostics and will shorten the time of diagnostic procedures that will undoubtedly improve the efficiency of medical treatment. The review highlights data on application of nanobiotechnologies in the field of diagnostics and creation of new drugs.
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Keywords: nanotechnologies, nanobiotechnologies, bionanotechnologies, nanomedicine, nanodiagnosticums, nanodrugs, (nano)-transportation systems
Medvedeva N.V. et al. Nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine // Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya. - 2006. - V. 52. -N 6. - P. 529-546.
Medvedeva N.V. et al., "Nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine." Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya 52.6 (2006): 529-546.
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