Breast cancer diagnostics based on extracellular DNA and RNA circulating in blood

Rykova E.Y.1 , Skvortsova T.E.1, Hoffmann A.L.2, Tamkovich S.N.3, Starikov A.V.4, Bryzgunova O.E.1, Permjakova V.I.5, Warnecke J.M.2, Sczakiel G.2, Vlassov V.V.1, Laktionov P.P.1

1. Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Sibirian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2. Institut fur Molekulare Medizin
3. Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Sibirian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences Novosibirsk State University
4. National Novosibirsk Regional Oncologic Dispensary
5. Central Clinical Hospital Siberian Division of RAS
Section: Experimental/Clinical Study
PubMed Id: 18421914
Year: 2008  Volume: 54  Issue: 1  Pages: 94-103
Extracellular DNA and RNA were extracted from blood plasma and cell surface-bound fractions of patients with breast tumors and healthy controls. Frequency of RASSF1A, Cyclin D2 and RARβ2 methylation was detected using methylation-specific PCR in the extracellular DNA, extracted from plasma and cell-surface bound fractions of patient blood. Methylation of at least one of these genes was found in plasma of 13% patients with benign breast fibroadenoma and in 60% of breast cancer patients. Using cell-surface bound DNA as a substrate for PCR have lead to increase of gene methylation detection frequency up to 87% in fibroadenoma and 95% in breast cancer patients without false positive controls.GAPDH, RASSF8, Ki-67 RNA and 18S RNA were quantified using RT-qPCR of the extracellular RNA circulating in blood of patients with breast tumors and healthy controls. The main part of the extracellular RNA was shown to be cell-surface bound. Results show a higher amount of RASSF8, Ki-67 RNA and 18S RNA in plasma and cell-bound fraction of patients with breast cancer compared with patients with benign tumors and healthy controls. The data indicate that the specific RNA quantification in blood plasma is valuable for discrimination between cancer and benign tumors, which can be detected with high sensitivity using analysis of methylated RASSF1A, Cyclin D2 and RARβ2 genes in extracellular circulating DNA.
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Keywords: circulating extracellular DNA, circulating extracellular RNA, methylation-specific PCR, RT-PCR, breast tumor

Rykova, E. Y., Skvortsova, T. E., Hoffmann, A. L., Tamkovich, S. N., Starikov, A. V., Bryzgunova, O. E., Permjakova, V. I., Warnecke, J. M., Sczakiel, G., Vlassov, V. V., Laktionov, P. P. (2008). Breast cancer diagnostics based on extracellular DNA and RNA circulating in blood. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 54(1), 94-103.
This paper is also available as the English translation: 10.1134/S1990750808020133
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