The stydy of the human complement cascade of proteolysis as a target of laser irradiation

Galebskaya L.V.1 , Andreeva L.A.1, Solovtsova I.L.1, Petrishchev N.N.1, Solov'eva M.A.1

1. Pavlov St-Peterburg State Medical University
Section: Experimental/Clinical Study
PubMed Id: 19351035
Year: 2009  Volume: 55  Issue: 1  Pages: 68-72
Samples of human blood plasma were irradiated with the laser beam (λ=633 nm, P=13 mW, t=20 min) in vitro. In experimental and control (incubated in the dark) samples the complement hemolytic activity was measured. Laser irradiation had minor influence on the duration of lag-period and the rate of complement-dependent hemolysis via classical and alternative pathways; it also did not alter the functional activity of factor B, components C2 and C3. Nevertheless laser irradiation effect was seen in essential reduction of a bystander lysis coefficient. This new fact can elucidate some aspects of the clinical effectiveness of the blood laser irradiation.
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Keywords: complement, laser irradiation, blood serum

Galebskaya, L. V., Andreeva, L. A., Solovtsova, I. L., Petrishchev, N. N., Solov'eva, M. A. (2009). The stydy of the human complement cascade of proteolysis as a target of laser irradiation. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 55(1), 68-72.
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