Metabolic fingerprinting of blood plasma for patients with prostate cancer

Lokhov P.G.1 , Dashtiev M.I.1, Bondartscov L.V.1, Lisitsa A.V.1, Moshkovskii S.A.1, Archakov A.I.1

1. Institute of Biomedical Chemistry RAMS
Section: Experimental/Clinical Study
PubMed Id: 19663000
Year: 2009  Volume: 55  Issue: 3  Pages: 247-254
Application of blood plasma metabolites fingerprinting for the diagnostic of the 2nd stage of prostate cancer has been investigated. The diagnostic sensitivity (95%), specificity (96,7%) and accuracy (95,7%) of the metabolic fingerprinting were much higher then those for PSA test (35%, 83,3% and 51,7%, respectively) for the same patients. Area under the ROC-curve (0,994) suggests that the proposed approach is effective and can be used for clinical applications.
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Keywords: metabolomics, metabolic fingerprinting, mass spectrometry, prostate cancer

Lokhov, P. G., Dashtiev, M. I., Bondartscov, L. V., Lisitsa, A. V., Moshkovskii, S. A., Archakov, A. I. (2009). Metabolic fingerprinting of blood plasma for patients with prostate cancer. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 55(3), 247-254.
This paper is also available as the English translation: 10.1134/S1990750810010051
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