Mechanism of the toxicity of the artificial ribonucleases for the different human cancer cell lines

Logashenko E.B.1 , Kuznetsova I.L.1, Ryabchikova E.I.1, Vlassov V.V.1, Zenkova M.A.1

1. Institute of chemical biology and fundamental medicine
Section: Experimental/Clinical Study
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20105602230      PubMed Id: 21341511
Year: 2010  Volume: 56  Issue: 2  Pages: 230-243
The ability of artificial ribonucleases to cause in the concentration-dependent manner death of cancer cells has been studied. The cytotoxic activity of artificial ribonucleases is observed at rather low concentration of these compounds (10-5 М). Analysis of the mechanism of artificial ribonucleases citotoxicity revealed that compounds under the study exhibit membranotropic activity in addition to ribonucleases activity found earlier. This activity is responsible for effective penetration of these compounds inside cells. The results obtained show that artificial ribonucleases induce cell death via damage of cells membrane, detachment of plasmalemma and derangement its macromolecular organization. In the case of short-term exposure of cells to the compounds, cells, even with damaged membrane, survive.
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Keywords: artificial ribonucleases, citotoxicity, membranotropic activity, antineoplastic drugs

Logashenko, E. B., Kuznetsova, I. L., Ryabchikova, E. I., Vlassov, V. V., Zenkova, M. A. (2010). Mechanism of the toxicity of the artificial ribonucleases for the different human cancer cell lines. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 56(2), 230-243.
This paper is also available as the English translation: 10.1134/S1990750810030108
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