Role of thioldisulfid of system in mechanism of oxidative stress and distress at HIV of infection

Kostyushov V.V.1 , Bokal I.I.1

1. Military medical clinical center of South region (Odessa), The Odessa national university the name of I.I. Mechnikov, Clinic of laboratory diagnostics
Section: Experimental/Clinical Study
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20105602290      PubMed Id: 21341517
Year: 2010  Volume: 56  Issue: 2  Pages: 290-298
In the article general conformities to law and features of violation of the thioldisulfid an redox system of whey of blood are described for patients with the without a symptom transmitter of HIV and manifestly forms AIDS. The role of her components is grounded - general, protein and non protein -SH, -S-S- groups in the mechanism of forming of oxidative stress and distress at HIV of infection. The clinic and laboratory criterions of expressed of peroxides processes are specified on the indexes of violation of redox transformations of -SH, -S-S- groups, neutralization and utilization of MDA and stability of LPC in the whey of blood at HIV of infection. Found out intercommunication between expressed of violation of the studied indexes, oxidative stress and distress and features of clinical flow of HIV of infection, allowed authors to attribute this pathology to "free radical diseases". In this connection, indicated analytic it is suggested to use as additional biochemical markers of oxidative stress and distress, and also for the ground of setting of antioxidants and their combinations in complex prophylactic or therapeutic application at HIVof infection.
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Keywords: thiol disulfide system, oxidative stress and distress, HIVof infection, AIDS

Kostyushov, V. V., Bokal, I. I. (2010). Role of thioldisulfid of system in mechanism of oxidative stress and distress at HIV of infection. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 56(2), 290-298.
This paper is also available as the English translation: 10.1134/S1990750809040118
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