An approach to the identification of the phospholipid molecular species in human erythrocytes using HPLC with mass-spectrometric detection

Korzhenevskiy D.A.1 , Selischeva A.A.1, Saveliev S.V.1

1. The Institute of biomedicinal problems
Section: Experimental/Clinical Study
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20105606747      PubMed Id: 21395077
Year: 2010  Volume: 56  Issue: 6  Pages: 747-757
A modified RP-HPLC-MS approach has been proposed for a single run separation and identification of the molecular species of different phospholipid classes in a complex extract. This approach has been applied to the analysis of glycero- and sphingolipid composition of human erythrocytes and a number of ceramide fractions have been identified; these fractions was missed in previous studies employing similar methods. The fine experimental design leads to the decrease in the number of procedures needed for a complete phospholipid profiling of the sample.
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Keywords: phospholipids, lipidomics, HPLC, mass-spectrometry, erythrocytes

Korzhenevskiy, D. A., Selischeva, A. A., Saveliev, S. V. (2010). An approach to the identification of the phospholipid molecular species in human erythrocytes using HPLC with mass-spectrometric detection. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 56(6), 747-757.
This paper is also available as the English translation: 10.1134/S1990750810030121
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