Neopterin as a rarameter, reflecting the inflammatory phase of a dermal wound process

Pustovalova R.A.1 , Petrova M.B.2

1. Tver State Medical Academy Hospital
2. Tver State Medical Academy
Section: Experimental/Clinical Study
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20115704461      PubMed Id: 22066272
Year: 2011  Volume: 57  Issue: 4  Pages: 461-468
Effectiveness of the influence of a natural cytokine complex "Superlymph" on a wound process was evaluated in albino rats. The preparation was used right after surgical treatment and then during 5 days. Interrelationship between morphological and immunobiochemical factors on local and organismic levels was studied. During uncomplicated wound process no statistically significant difference in concentration of blood serum neopterin was found. The main changes occured locally. There was correlation between morphological and immunobiochemical factors.
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Keywords: neoptertin, cytokines, monocytes, wound process

Pustovalova, R. A., Petrova, M. B. (2011). Neopterin as a rarameter, reflecting the inflammatory phase of a dermal wound process. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 57(4), 461-468.
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