Effective photosensibilizator selection for e.n.t.-organ diseases treatment, based on their accumulation in pathologically changed tissues

Alexeev Y.V.1 , Likhacheva E.V.1, Tereshkin D.V.1, Ponomarev G.V.2, Mazur E.M.1

1. State Research and Clinical Center for Laser Medicine
2. Russian Academy of Medical Science, Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, RAMS
Section: Experimental/Clinical Study
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20125801112      PubMed Id: 22642158
Year: 2012  Volume: 58  Issue: 1  Pages: 112-120
Accumulation of photosensibilisators - derivatives of E6 chlorines ("Radachlorine", "Photoditazine", "Zelevsky's balsam") in the mucous membrane and selection of most effective sources of emission have been investigated in 30 patients with rhinosinusitis and 10 with tonsillitis. As a source of emission we used light emitting diode (LED) matrix device "ACT" (wavelength approximately 405 nm (Sore band)) and a laser device LAHTA-"MILON"-ML500-SP (wavelength - 662 nm). Drug accumulation in the mucous membrane and changes of their concentrations after emission were evaluated by changes of fluorescence, measured with a LESA-01-BIOSPEC spectrometer. The percent of fluorescence decrease ranged from 50% to 92.7%. This suggests intensive disintegration of photosensibilisators, and consequently, high therapeutic activity of this method. Effectiveness of this method is also confirmed by clinical results.
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Keywords: photodynamic therapy, chlorin E6, spectroscopy, rhinosinusitis, tonsillitis

Alexeev, Y. V., Likhacheva, E. V., Tereshkin, D. V., Ponomarev, G. V., Mazur, E. M. (2012). Effective photosensibilizator selection for e.n.t.-organ diseases treatment, based on their accumulation in pathologically changed tissues. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 58(1), 112-120.
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