The effect of estrogens and progestagens on biochemical components of hemostasis, platelets, continuous intravascular coagulation and tolerance to thrombin: correction of their effect of antioxidants
Solovyev V.G.1 , Bychevsky A.Sh.2, Karpova I.A.2
1. Moscow State Medical and Dental University 2. Tyumen State Medical Academy
Estrogen and progestin (ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel, respectively) accelerate LPO in platelets, activate them, increase continuous intravascular coagulation and reduce tolerance to thrombin. Antioxidants limit these effects.
Solovyev V.G., Bychevsky A.Sh., Karpova I.A. (2012) The effect of estrogens and progestagens on biochemical components of hemostasis, platelets, continuous intravascular coagulation and tolerance to thrombin: correction of their effect of antioxidants. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 58(4), 429-437.
Solovyev V.G. et al. The effect of estrogens and progestagens on biochemical components of hemostasis, platelets, continuous intravascular coagulation and tolerance to thrombin: correction of their effect of antioxidants // Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya. - 2012. - V. 58. -N 4. - P. 429-437.
Solovyev V.G. et al., "The effect of estrogens and progestagens on biochemical components of hemostasis, platelets, continuous intravascular coagulation and tolerance to thrombin: correction of their effect of antioxidants." Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya 58.4 (2012): 429-437.
Solovyev, V. G., Bychevsky, A. Sh., Karpova, I. A. (2012). The effect of estrogens and progestagens on biochemical components of hemostasis, platelets, continuous intravascular coagulation and tolerance to thrombin: correction of their effect of antioxidants. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 58(4), 429-437.
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