Peculiarities of the circulating phagocytes functional activityin patients with different forms of drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis

Titarenko O.T.1, Dyakova M.E.1 , Esmedlyaeva D.S.1, Pavlova M.V.1, Yielkin A.V.1, Alekseeva N.C.1, Bondarenko B.B.1

1. Research Institute of Phtysiopulmonology
Section: Experimental/Clinical Study
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20125804467      PubMed Id: 23413691
Year: 2012  Volume: 58  Issue: 4  Pages: 467-474
Functional activity of circulating phagocytes (macrophages - Ms and neutrophils - Ns) was studied in 30 patients with infiltrative (I) and 30 patients with fibro-cavernous (FC) pulmonary tuberculosis (PT). Difference of the functional activity of both types of cells depending on the PT form was revealed: more significant increase in the oxygen-depending activity in FCPT while bactericide potential estimated with a zymosane induced NST-test was more pronounced in IPT patients. These data correlate with the blood levels of neopterin and elastase, the markers of the M and N activity, respectively. Participation of intracellular ADA in realization of oxygen-depending processes was demonstrated. Results of the multivariant analysis of the whole complex of the studied phagocyte characteristics, reflect their different roles in ther pathological process a prevailing role of Ms in the firstly diagnosed acute tuberculosis process (IPT) and Ns in the chronic progressive process (FCT).
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Keywords: tuberculosis, drug-resistant, phagocyte activity, NST-test, adenosine deaminase, neopterin

Titarenko, O. T., Dyakova, M. E., Esmedlyaeva, D. S., Pavlova, M. V., Yielkin, A. V., Alekseeva, N. C., Bondarenko, B. B. (2012). Peculiarities of the circulating phagocytes functional activityin patients with different forms of drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 58(4), 467-474.
This paper is also available as the English translation: 10.1134/S1990750811030152
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