The surface-active properties of 1-boraadamantane have been studied using model phospholipid monolayers. Results suggest that the increase in 1-boraadamantane concentrations from 10-7 to 10-6 M is accompanied by the increase of the area per phospholipid molecule. This decreases to frequency of lateral diffusion of phospholipids molecules, the potential difference and the angle of the phospholipid monolayer arrangement. These phenomena may lead to impossibility of interaction between the virus and cell membranes.
Kontarov N.A., Pogarskaya I.V., Balaev N.V., Yuminova N.V. (2013) Study of surface-active properties antivirials compound 1-boraadamantane for model monomoleculars phosphlipids layers. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 59(5), 519-522.
Kontarov N.A. et al. Study of surface-active properties antivirials compound 1-boraadamantane for model monomoleculars phosphlipids layers // Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya. - 2013. - V. 59. -N 5. - P. 519-522.
Kontarov N.A. et al., "Study of surface-active properties antivirials compound 1-boraadamantane for model monomoleculars phosphlipids layers." Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya 59.5 (2013): 519-522.
Kontarov, N. A., Pogarskaya, I. V., Balaev, N. V., Yuminova, N. V. (2013). Study of surface-active properties antivirials compound 1-boraadamantane for model monomoleculars phosphlipids layers. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 59(5), 519-522.
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