Mass spectrometry analysis of blood plasma lipidome as method of disease diagnostics, evuation of effectiveness and optimization of drug therapy

Lokhov P.G.1 , Maslov D.L.1, Balashova E.E.1, Trifonova O.P.1, Medvedeva N.V.1, Torkhovskaya T.I.1, Ipatova O.M.1, Archakov A.I.1, Malyshev P.P.2, Kukharchuk V.V.2, Shestakova E.A.3, Shestakova M.V.3, Dedov I.I.3

1. Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
2. Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex, Moscow, Russia
3. Endocrinology Research Centre, Moscow, Russia
Section: Review
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20156101007      PubMed Id: 25762595
Year: 2015  Volume: 61  Issue: 1  Pages: 7-18
A new method for the analysis of blood lipid based on direct mass spectrometry of lipophilic low molecular weight fraction of blood plasma has been considered. Such technique allows quantification of hundreds of various types of lipids and this changes existing concepts on diagnostics of lipid disorders and related diseases. The versatility and quickness of the method significantly simplify its wide use. This method is applicable for diagnostics of atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. Detalization of plasma lipid composition at the molecular level by means of mass spectrometry allows to assess the effectiveness of therapy and to optimize the drug treatment of cardiovascular diseases by phospholipid preparations.
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Keywords: mass spectrometry, blood plasma, diagnostics, personalization of therapy, lipidome, metabolome

Lokhov, P. G., Maslov, D. L., Balashova, E. E., Trifonova, O. P., Medvedeva, N. V., Torkhovskaya, T. I., Ipatova, O. M., Archakov, A. I., Malyshev, P. P., Kukharchuk, V. V., Shestakova, E. A., Shestakova, M. V., Dedov, I. I. (2015). Mass spectrometry analysis of blood plasma lipidome as method of disease diagnostics, evuation of effectiveness and optimization of drug therapy. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 61(1), 7-18.
This paper is also available as the English translation: 10.1134/S1990750815020109
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