General anesthetics as a factor of effective neuroprotection in ischemic stroke models

Laletin V.S.1 , Bykov Y.N.1

1. Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia
Section: Review
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20156104440      PubMed Id: 26350734
Year: 2015  Volume: 61  Issue: 4  Pages: 440-448
Stroke is the second leading cause of death in the world. Unfortunately, only a few drugs have been proved in clinical trials. Drug development of the last decade has been focused substantially on a promising and heterogeneous group of neuroprotective drugs. Hundreds of compounds were suggested as new putative neuroprotectors, which effectiveness was confirmed in preclinical trials only. At the present time discrepancy between results of preclinical studies and clinical trials requires careful analysis. One of the least evaluated and probably the most noticeable reasons is general anesthesia - an obligatory component of an overwhelming majority of existing animal stroke models. The aim of the review is to describe known mechanisms of common general anesthetics influence on ionotropic and metabotropic plasma membrane receptors, and key signal pathways involved in neuronal hypoxic-ischemic injury and survival
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Keywords: general anesthetics, neuroprotection, signal pathways, stroke models

Laletin, V. S., Bykov, Y. N. (2015). General anesthetics as a factor of effective neuroprotection in ischemic stroke models. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 61(4), 440-448.
This paper is also available as the English translation: 10.1134/S1990750815010059
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