The effect of antioxidants on in vivo and in vitro methemoglobin formation in erytrocytes of patients with Parkinson`s disease

Makletsova M.G.1 , Rikhireva G.T.2, Poleshuk V.V.1, Grjakalov K.V.2, Timerbaeva S.L.1, Fedorova T.N.1

1. Research Center of Neurology, Moscow, Russia
2. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Section: Clinical and Diagnostic Research
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20166202193      PubMed Id: 27143379
Year: 2016  Volume: 62  Issue: 2  Pages: 193-197
Methemoglobin formation was examined in erytrocytes of 16 patients with Parkinson`s disease (PD) (stage 3-4 by the Hoehn and Yahr scale). The patients receiving levodopa-containing drugs (madopar, nakom) were also treated with intramuscular injections of mexidol (daily dose 100 mg/day) for 14 days. Control group included 12 clinically healthy persons. The erythrocyte methemoglobin content was determined by electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) using the EPR signal intensity with g-factor 6.0. The methemoglobin content was significantly higher in erythrocytes of PD patients than in healthy donors. The complex therapy with mexidol normalized the methemoglobin content in erythrocytes of PD patients. Incubation in vitro of erythrocytes of donors and PD patients with acrolein increased the methemoglobin content, while incubation with carnosine normalized the methemoglobin content in erythrocytes of PD patients. Prophylactic (i.e. before acrolein addition) and therapeutic administration of carnosine to the incubation system with acrolein decreased the methemoglobin content to its initial level. Results of this study suggest that inclusion of the antioxidants mexidol and carnosine in the scheme of basic therapy of PD may reduce side effects associated with methemoglobinemia
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Keywords: methemoglobin, Parkinson's disease, antioxidants, mexidol, carnosine, acrolein

Makletsova, M. G., Rikhireva, G. T., Poleshuk, V. V., Grjakalov, K. V., Timerbaeva, S. L., Fedorova, T. N. (2016). The effect of antioxidants on in vivo and in vitro methemoglobin formation in erytrocytes of patients with Parkinson`s disease. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 62(2), 193-197.
This paper is also available as the English translation: 10.1134/S1990750816030124
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