AFM fishing of proteins under impulse electric field

Ivanov Yu.D.1 , Pleshakova T.O.1, Malsagova K.A.1, Kaysheva A.L.1, Kopylov A.T.1, Izotov A.A.1, Tatur V.Yu.2, Vesnin S.G.3, Ivanova N.D.4, Ziborov V.S.5, Archakov A.I.1

1. Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
2. Foundation of Perspective Technologies and Innovations, Moscow, Russia
3. RES LTD. Moscow, Russia
4. Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnjlogy (FSGEI of HPE), Moscow, Russia
5. Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS, Moscow, Russia
Section: Experimental Study
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20166204439      PubMed Id: 27562998
Year: 2016  Volume: 62  Issue: 4  Pages: 439-446
A combination of (atomic force microscopy)-based fishing (AFM-fishing) and mass spectrometry allows to capture protein molecules from solutions, concentrate and visualize them on an atomically flat surface of the AFM chip and identify by subsequent mass spectrometric analysis. In order to increase the AFM-fishing efficiency we have applied pulsed voltage with the rise time of the front of about 1 ns to the AFM chip. The AFM-chip was made using a conductive material, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG). The increased efficiency of AFM-fishing has been demonstrated using detection of cytochrome b5 protein. Selection of the stimulating pulse with a rise time of 1 ns, corresponding to the GHz frequency range, by the effect of intrinsic emission from water observed in this frequency range during water injection into the cell.
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Keywords: ACM, MC, detection of low-copied proteins, protein fishing

Ivanov, Yu. D., Pleshakova, T. O., Malsagova, K. A., Kaysheva, A. L., Kopylov, A. T., Izotov, A. A., Tatur, V. Yu., Vesnin, S. G., Ivanova, N. D., Ziborov, V. S., Archakov, A. I. (2016). AFM fishing of proteins under impulse electric field. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 62(4), 439-446.
This paper is also available as the English translation: 10.1134/S1990750815020080
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