Pathogenetic significance of C774T single nucleotide polymorphism of the endothelial NO synthase gene in the development of metabolic syndrome

Fattakhov N.S.1, Vasilenko M.A.1, Skuratovskaia D.A.1, Kulikov D.I.1, Kirienkova E.V.1, Zatolokin P.A.2, Beletskaya M.A.3, Litvinova L.S.1

1. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia
2. Regional Clinical Hospital of the Kaliningrad Region, Kaliningrad, Russia
3. Municipal Children's Hospital No. 6, Kaliningrad, Russia
Section: Clinical and Diagnostic Research
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20166204447      PubMed Id: 27562999
Year: 2016  Volume: 62  Issue: 4  Pages: 447-452
The relationship between nitric oxide production and metabolic disorders and the role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS or NOS3) in metabolic syndrome (MS) remain poorly understood and need deeper investigation. In this context the role of the NOS3 gene in pathogenesis of MS is of special interest. The aim of the study was to investigate association of NOS3 single nucleotide polymorphism C774T with risk of MS in the Slavic population of the Kaliningrad region and the relationship of this polymorphic variant with some parameters of endothelial dysfunction. The study included 128 patients (48 men and 80 women aged from 36 to 52 years) with MS. The control group consisted of 126 healthy volunteers (60 men and 66 women aged from 30 to 40 years). Genotyping was performed by real-time PCR. Serum nitrite levels were determined spectrophotometrically by the Griess method. Serum levels of endothelin-1 and eNOS were evaluated by ELISA. The study has shown association of T allele (OR=2.06; p=0.0004; CI: 1.38-3.08) and CT genotype (OR=1.97; p=0.014; CI: 1.14-3.40 ) C774T polymorphism of the NOS3 gene with risk of MS in the Slavic population of the Kaliningrad region. Allele C (OR=0.48; p=0.0004; CI: 0.32-0.72) and homozygous CC genotype (OR=0.41; p=0.001; CI: 0.24-0,69) C774T polymorphism of the NOS3 gene were associated with reduced risk of the development of MS. Significant differences in serum levels of eNOS and endothelin-1 depended on the CT and TT genotypes of C774T polymorphism of the NOS3 gene in MS.
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Keywords: metabolic syndrome, nitric oxide, endothelial NO synthase, C774T single nucleotide polymorphism

Fattakhov, N. S., Vasilenko, M. A., Skuratovskaia, D. A., Kulikov, D. I., Kirienkova, E. V., Zatolokin, P. A., Beletskaya, M. A., Litvinova, L. S. (2016). Pathogenetic significance of C774T single nucleotide polymorphism of the endothelial NO synthase gene in the development of metabolic syndrome. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 62(4), 447-452.
This paper is also available as the English translation: 10.1134/S1990750816010054
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