Quality control study of engineered skin tissue

Nakhod K.V.1, Rusanov A.L.2 , Luzgina E.D.2, Druzhilovskiy D.S.1, Luzgina N.G.1, Lisitsa A.V.1

1. Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
2. Research and Manufacturing Association “Perspectiva”, Novosibirsk, Russia
Section: Experimental Study
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20186401010      PubMed Id: 29460829
Year: 2018  Volume: 64  Issue: 1  Pages: 10-15
OMERO service was used to annotate the cell line HaCaT microscope images by two independent expert groups. The images were obtained in the course of developing tissue-engineered epithelium which consisted of several layers of the keratinocytes. Evaluation of expert opinions was performed by calculation of specificity, sensitivity and accuracy. The best convergence of opinions (91%) was achieved for the confluence of the cell monolayers. Accuracy 70% was observed in determining the extent of cell differentiation after 10 days of incubation. The paper illustrates the usefulness of OMERO service for dynamic cross-validation of quality in the development and standardization of cell preparations.
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Keywords: OMERO, skin model, reconstructed human epidermis, HaCaT keratinocytes

Nakhod, K. V., Rusanov, A. L., Luzgina, E. D., Druzhilovskiy, D. S., Luzgina, N. G., Lisitsa, A. V. (2018). Quality control study of engineered skin tissue. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 64(1), 10-15.
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