Protective action of carnosine and organic lithium salts in case of ethanol-induced oxidative damage of proteins and lipids of blood plasma in healthy persons and alcoholic patients

Prokopieva V.D.1 , Plotnikov E.V.2, Yarygina E.G.1, Bokhan N.A.1

1. Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences,Tomsk, Russia
2. Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences,Tomsk, Russia; National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University,Tomsk, Russia
Section: Experimental Study
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20196501028      PubMed Id: 30816094
Year: 2019  Volume: 65  Issue: 1  Pages: 28-32
Organic lithium salts containing anionic components (succinate, fumarate, pyruvate and antioxidant ascorbate) were tested for protection of blood plasma proteins and lipids against ethanol-induced oxidation in vitro. We used normothymic lithium carbonate and well-known antioxidant dipeptide carnosine (b-alanyl-L-histidine) as the reference drugs. The oxidized proteins and lipids were determined by the level of carbonylated proteins (CP) and TBA-reactive products (TBA-RP), respectively. In alcoholic patients the level of oxidized proteins and lipids was higher than in healthy persons. Incubation of blood with ethanol resulted in an increase in oxidized proteins and lipids in blood plasma of healthy persons but had no influence on the level of CP and TBA-RP in blood plasma of alcoholic patients. Lithium carbonate, lithium ascorbate, and lithium succinate exhibited protective action against ethanol-induced oxidation of biomolecules of blood plasma of healthy people. These effects were comparable with carnosine action. The studied compounds had no effect on the level of CP and TBA-RP of blood plasma of alcoholic patients.
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Keywords: organic lithium salts, ethanol-induced oxidation, biomolecules of plasma, antioxidants, alcoholism

Prokopieva, V. D., Plotnikov, E. V., Yarygina, E. G., Bokhan, N. A. (2019). Protective action of carnosine and organic lithium salts in case of ethanol-induced oxidative damage of proteins and lipids of blood plasma in healthy persons and alcoholic patients. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 65(1), 28-32.
This paper is also available as the English translation: 10.1134/S1990750819020082
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