Relationship between metabolic and immunological disorders in experimental acute tetrachlomethane, ischemic and alcoholic liver disease

Litvinova E.S.1, Konoplya A.I.1, Kholimenko I.M.2 , Gavriliuk V.P.1, Kocar A.G.2

1. Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russia
2. Kursk City Clinical Hospital for Emergency Medicine, Kursk, Russia
Section: Experimental Study
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20206605392      PubMed Id: 33140733
Year: 2020  Volume: 66  Issue: 5  Pages: 392-400
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of metabolic and immunological disorders in acute tetrachlomethane, ischemic and alcoholic liver damage modelled in adult Wistar male rats weighing 120-160 g. After evaluation of metabolic and immunological parameters at the local and systemic levels, and correlation analysis was used to establish the relationship between the dynamics of the indicators against the background of experimental pathology models. The close correlation between the studied immune and metabolic parameters recognized for the tetrachlomethane, ischemic and alcoholic liver damage shows the existing “tension” between the indicators of immune and metabolic status. Such close correlation between the studied immunological and metabolic parameters at the system and local levels can serve to assess the severity of the disease, its prognosis, treatment effectiveness and preventive measures.
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Keywords: experimental damage to the liver, immune and metabolic disorders, correlation

Litvinova, E. S., Konoplya, A. I., Kholimenko, I. M., Gavriliuk, V. P., Kocar, A. G. (2020). Relationship between metabolic and immunological disorders in experimental acute tetrachlomethane, ischemic and alcoholic liver disease. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 66(5), 392-400.
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