Atmospheric reactive oxygen species and some aspects of the antiviral protection of the respiratory epithelium

Salmin V.V.1 , Morgun A.V.1, Olovyannikova R.Ya.1, Kutyakov V.A.1, Lychkovskaya E.V.1, Brusina E.B.2, Salmina A.B.3

1. Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2. Kemerovo State Medical University, Kemerovo, Russia
3. Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia; Research Center of Neurology, Moscow, Russia
Section: Review
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20216705383      PubMed Id: 34730551
Year: 2021  Volume: 67  Issue: 5  Pages: 383-393
The review focuses on molecular and biochemical mechanisms of nonspecific protection of respiratory epithelium. The authors provide a comprehensive analysis of up-to-date data on the activity of the lactoperoxidase system expressed on the surface of the respiratory epithelium which provides the generation of hypothiocyanate and hypoiodite in the presence of locally produced or inhaled hydrogen peroxide. Molecular mechanisms of production of active compounds with antiviral and antibacterial effects, expression profiles of enzymes, transporters and ion channels involved in the generation of hypothiocyanite and hypoiodate in the mucous membrane of the respiratory system in physiological and pathological conditions (inflammation) are discussed. In the context of antibacterial and antiviral defense special attention is paid to recent data confirming the effects of atmospheric air composition on the efficiency of hypothiocyanite and hypoiodate synthesis in the respiratory epithelium. The causes and outcomes of lactoperoxidase system impairment due to the action of atmospheric factors are discussed in the context of controlling the sensitivity of the epithelium to the action of bacterial agents and viruses. Restoration of the lactoperoxidase system activity can be achieved by application of pharmacological agents aimed to compensate for the lack of halides in tissues, and by the control of chemical composition of the inhaled air.
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Keywords: lactoperoxidase, hypothiocyanite, hypoiodite, reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, respiratory epithelium

Salmin, V. V., Morgun, A. V., Olovyannikova, R. Ya., Kutyakov, V. A., Lychkovskaya, E. V., Brusina, E. B., Salmina, A. B. (2021). Atmospheric reactive oxygen species and some aspects of the antiviral protection of the respiratory epithelium. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 67(5), 383-393.
This paper is also available as the English translation: 10.1134/S1990750822020068
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