Impairments in metabolism of amino acids — precursors of gasotransmitters — in the premature birth

Mikhelson A.A.1, Pogorelova T.N.1 , Gunko V.O.1 , Nikashina A.A.1, Palieva N.V.1

1. Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Section: Clinical and Diagnostic Research
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20216705443      PubMed Id: 34730558
Year: 2021  Volume: 67  Issue: 5  Pages: 443-448
The content of amino acids — sources of gasotransmitters and the activity of enzymes of their metabolism have been studied in the placenta and amniotic fluid in full-term and complicated by preterm birth (PB). Determination of amino acids was carried out using an automatic analyzer; specific spectrophotometric methods were used to assess the activity of enzymes. The development of PB is accompanied by changes in the amino acid level already in the second trimester of pregnancy. Correlation of differently directions was found between the level of amino acids and the activity of the corresponding enzymes. The imbalance of amino acids in the fetoplacental system in PB is accompanied by a change in the production of their low molecular weight derivatives gas transmitters (NO, CO, H2S), which play an important role in the regulation of numerous metabolic processes.
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Keywords: amino acids, gasotransmitters, premature birth, placenta, amniotic fluid

Mikhelson, A. A., Pogorelova, T. N., Gunko, V. O., Nikashina, A. A., Palieva, N. V. (2021). Impairments in metabolism of amino acids — precursors of gasotransmitters — in the premature birth. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 67(5), 443-448.
This paper is also available as the English translation: 10.1134/S1990750822010061
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