Problems and prospects for finding new pharmacological agents among adenosine receptor agonists, antagonists, or their allosteric modulators for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Perfilova V.N.1, Muzyko E.A.2 , Taran A.S.2, Shevchenko A.A.2, Naumenko L.V.2

1. Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd, Russia; Volgograd Medical Research Center, Volgograd, Russia
2. Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd, Russia
Section: Review
DOI: 10.18097/PBMC20236906353      PubMed Id: 38153051
Year: 2023  Volume: 69  Issue: 6  Pages: 353-370
A1-adenosine receptors (A1AR) are widely distributed in the human body and mediate many different effects. They are abundantly present in the cardiovascular system, where they control angiogenesis, vascular tone, heart rate, and conduction. This makes the cardiovascular system A1AR an attractive target for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The review summarizes the literature data on the structure and functioning of A1AR, and analyzes their involvement in the formation of myocardial hypertrophy, ischemia-reperfusion damage, various types of heart rhythm disorders, chronic heart failure, and arterial hypertension. Special attention is paid to the role of some allosteric regulators of A1AR as potential agents for the CVD treatment.
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Keywords: A1-adenosine receptors, cardiovascular diseases, agonists, antagonists and allosteric modulators of A1-adenosine receptors

Perfilova, V. N., Muzyko, E. A., Taran, A. S., Shevchenko, A. A., Naumenko, L. V. (2023). Problems and prospects for finding new pharmacological agents among adenosine receptor agonists, antagonists, or their allosteric modulators for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya, 69(6), 353-370.
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