2008, Volume 54, Issue 1 |
5-11 |
Ivanova O.A. The Hirsch index is anew criterion for evaluation of scientific activity
12-23 |
Article only in Russian
24-41 |
Kostrjukova E.S., Lazarev V.N., Govorun V.M. Inclusion membrane proteins of chlamydiaceae
42-57 |
Nemova N.N., Bondareva L.A. To the problem of proteolytic enzyme evolution
58-77 |
Lyu B.N., Ismailov S.B., Lyu M.B. The state of cytoskeleton and its links "oxygen-peroxide" effects in some pathologies and apoptosis
78-93 |
Veiko N.N., Bulycheva N.A., Roginko O.A., Veiko R.V., Ershova E.S., Kozdoba O.A., Kuzmin V.A., Vinogradov A.M., Yudin A.A., Speranskyi A.I. Ribosomal repeat in the cell free DNA as a marker for cell death
94-103 |
Rykova E.Y., Skvortsova T.E., Hoffmann A.L., Tamkovich S.N., Starikov A.V., Bryzgunova O.E., Permjakova V.I., Warnecke J.M., Sczakiel G., Vlassov V.V., Laktionov P.P. Breast cancer diagnostics based on extracellular DNA and RNA circulating in blood
104-113 |
Ivanov D.V., Egorov A.M. Spreading and mechanisms of antibiotic resistance of microorganisms, producing beta-lactamases. Molecular mechanisms of resistance to beta-lactams of klebsiella spp. strains, isolated in cases of nosocomial infections
114-121 |
Popov S.S., Pashkov A.N., Popova T.N., Zoloedov V.I., Semenikhina A.V., Rakhmanova T.I. Melatonin influence on free radical homeostasis in rat tissues at thyrotoxicosis