Activity of the key glycolysis enzymes of the heart during emotional stress and myocardial necrosis induced after exposure to stress

Iakushev V.S., Zhezha V.V.
PubMed Id: 3157268
Year: 1985  Volume: 31  Issue: 1  Pages: 79-82
Activities of hexokinase, phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase were studied in rat heart after emotional-painful stress and development of myocardium necrosis. The stress caused an activation of hexokinase and phosphofructokinase within 2 and 7 days, activity of pyruvate kinase was not altered. In myocardium necrosis developed after emotional-painful stress activity of phosphofructokinase was decreased within 2 days as compared with the animals, myocardial necrosis of which was produces using the routine procedures.
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Iakushev, V. S., Zhezha, V. V. (1985). Activity of the key glycolysis enzymes of the heart during emotional stress and myocardial necrosis induced after exposure to stress. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 31(1), 79-82.
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