Synthesis of mitochondrial proteins coded in the nucleus and mitochondria of the intact and regenerating liver of rats of various ages

Litoshenko A.Ya.
PubMed Id: 4002649
Year: 1985  Volume: 31  Issue: 2  Pages: 105-110
Rate of protein synthesis of rat liver tissue was decreased with ageing in mitochondria but not in nuclear fraction. Stimulation of the mitochondrial ionogenesis by means of partial hepatectomy made the effects of age more distinct. The rate of protein synthesis in mitochondria was distinctly higher in adult rats as compared with the old animals. Electrophoretic separation of labelled products of mitochondrial translation enabled to find more than 20 individual polypeptides and showed that the age-dependent decrease in the synthesis rate was dissimilar for various proteins.
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Litoshenko, A. Ya. (1985). Synthesis of mitochondrial proteins coded in the nucleus and mitochondria of the intact and regenerating liver of rats of various ages. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 31(2), 105-110.
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