Preparation of proteoliposomes--an artificial substrate for measuring the rate of the lecithin-cholesterol-acyltransferase reaction in whole plasma

Ivanova E.M., Nikiforova A.A., Alksnis E.G.
PubMed Id: 4090378
Year: 1985  Volume: 31  Issue: 6  Pages: 123-126
A procedure is described for production of artificial substrate, containing except of cholesterol and lecithin as well as the protein moiety, used in estimation of the rate of lecithin-cholesterol-acyltransferase reaction in whole blood plasma. The protein component of proteoliposomes involved total fraction of apoproteins of high density lipoproteins (HDL). The proteins containing in proteoliposomes were obtained by means of chloroform-methanol delipidation of the total HDL fraction, isolated from human blood plasma using preparative ultracentrifugation. Optimal concentration of the apoprotein in proteoliposomes was determined.
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Ivanova, E. M., Nikiforova, A. A., Alksnis, E. G. (1985). Preparation of proteoliposomes--an artificial substrate for measuring the rate of the lecithin-cholesterol-acyltransferase reaction in whole plasma. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 31(6), 123-126.
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