Effect of membranotropic agents on lysosomal acid cholesterol esterase of the rat liver

Dolgov A.V., Dushkin M.I., Nikitin I.P.
PubMed Id: 4090387
Year: 1985  Volume: 31  Issue: 6  Pages: 57-60
An activity of acid cholesterol esterase was estimated in homogenate of liver tissue, lysosomal fraction and delipidated lysosomes using labelled cholesterol oleate contained in phospholipid liposomes. Taurocholate at the concentration of 2.6 mM increased the enzymatic activity but the mixture of taurocholate and Triton X-100 inhibited the enzyme. After addition of cholesterol the enzymatic activity and the activating effect of taurocholate were distinctly decreased. Alterations in the activity of acid cholesterol esterase and in the intalysosmal accumulation of cholesterol and of its esters may occur due to modifications of the substrate physical structure.
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Dolgov, A. V., Dushkin, M. I., Nikitin, I. P. (1985). Effect of membranotropic agents on lysosomal acid cholesterol esterase of the rat liver. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 31(6), 57-60.
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