Incorporation of 1-6-14C-glucose into lipid fractions of the liver and brain of rats with different alcohol motivation

Selevich M.I., Ostrovsky Yu.M.
PubMed Id: 3660749
Year: 1987  Volume: 33  Issue: 4  Pages: 89-92
Specific radioactivity of total phospholipids, cholesterol and lysophosphatidyl choline was decreased in liver tissue of rats consuming ethanol as compared with the animals preferring water. In brain of rats with alcohol motivation incorporation of 1-6-14C-glucose into cardiolipin was decreased, while the label incorporated into triacylglycerols, sulfatides II and cerebrosides I at the increased rate.
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Selevich, M. I., Ostrovsky, Yu. M. (1987). Incorporation of 1-6-14C-glucose into lipid fractions of the liver and brain of rats with different alcohol motivation. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 33(4), 89-92.
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