Cyclic nucleotide levels, adenylate cyclase activity and membrane potential of the gastrocnemius muscle fibers following denervation in adult and old rats

Frol'kis V.V., Kul'chitskii O.K., Yasechko A.V.
PubMed Id: 2844019
Year: 1988  Volume: 34  Issue: 3  Pages: 48-51
The denervation-induced changes of cyclic nucleotide concentrations adenylate cyclase activity and resting membrane potential were studied in gastrocnemius muscle of adult and old rats. Under conditions of denervation alterations in resting membrane potential and in adrenaline-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity had a biphasic character in the muscle studied: resting membrane potential was increased and the adenylate cyclase activity was decreased following 30 min denervation, while the opposite effect was observed after 2 weeks denervation. The denervation did not alter cGMP concentration. In old animals more pronounced changes of cAMP level were found in denervated gastrocnemius muscle.
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Frol'kis, V. V., Kul'chitskii, O. K., Yasechko, A. V. (1988). Cyclic nucleotide levels, adenylate cyclase activity and membrane potential of the gastrocnemius muscle fibers following denervation in adult and old rats. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 34(3), 48-51.
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