Syndrome of lipid hyperperoxidation in burn patients and its correction using autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood

Osipovich V.K., Tupikova Z.A., Matveenko A.V., Krajnik I.V.
PubMed Id: 3218142
Year: 1988  Volume: 34  Issue: 5  Pages: 62-66
Dynamics of lipid peroxidation was studied in blood serum of patients with burns of various severity and degree. The burns development was accompanied by syndrome of lipid hyperperoxidation, the intensity and duration of which correlated with the disease severity. The procedure of UV-irradiated blood autotransfusion was used to correct the impairments detected. High efficiency of the procedure was demonstrated by reduction of the lipid hyperperoxidation syndrome in patients with burns.
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Osipovich, V. K., Tupikova, Z. A., Matveenko, A. V., Krajnik, I. V. (1988). Syndrome of lipid hyperperoxidation in burn patients and its correction using autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 34(5), 62-66.
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