Erythrocyte lipids in diabetes mellitus with vascular involvement

Kasimova G.M., Mirtalipov D.T., Abidov A.A., Akbarov Z.S.
PubMed Id: 2773383
Year: 1989  Volume: 35  Issue: 3  Pages: 42-47
Alterations in content of neutral lipids, phospholipids and of their lysoforms were studied in erythrocyte membranes of patients with various severity of vascular impairments considering clinical manifestation of diabetes mellitus. Impairments of lipid composition in erythrocyte membranes observed correlated with the steps of diabetic angiopathies, thus considering an importance of these alterations in pathogenesis of vascular diseases of patients with diabetes mellitus.
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Kasimova, G. M., Mirtalipov, D. T., Abidov, A. A., Akbarov, Z. S. (1989). Erythrocyte lipids in diabetes mellitus with vascular involvement. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 35(3), 42-47.
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