Catecholamine complex-adrenoreactive system of various subtypes in various forms of bronchial asthma in children

Kulinskiĭ V.I., Chesmochakova E.I.
PubMed Id: 2549728
Year: 1989  Volume: 35  Issue: 3  Pages: 76-80
During the acute period of diverse forms of bronchial asthma in children the following alterations were detected in catecholamine metabolism and in various subtypes of the adrenoreactive system: an increase in urinary excretion of catecholamines, especially of adrenaline, as well as activation of catechol-O-methyl transferase; a decrease (or even absence) of beta 2-adrenoreactive system sensitivity, a decrease in beta 1-reactivity, while sensitivity of alpha 1-adrenoreactive system was increased (in the infectious-allergic form of the disease) and alpha 2-reactivity was unaltered. The uncoupling between catecholamines and various subtypes of the adrenoreactive system appears to occur during the acute period of bronchial asthma.
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Kulinskiĭ, V. I., Chesmochakova, E. I. (1989). Catecholamine complex-adrenoreactive system of various subtypes in various forms of bronchial asthma in children. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 35(3), 76-80.
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